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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Be a good orator

Do you feel butterflies in your stomach when you address a large audience or while speaking in public? If the answer is yes then I must say that it is nowhere wrong but letting that inhibit your speech is wrong.
Understand the Purpose
First things first, you should understand the purpose of the entire speech/presentation. Till the time you are not clear within, you will not be able to make your audiences understand. 

Understand your audience
The next step should be that you understand your audience. It is very important because if you don't know what is the background of your audience, their language, diction, knowledge and at times culture as well then your speech might go waste. 

Keep it Simple
Let your speech be simple. Using jargons in your speech or presentation might confuse your audience. You may even have to explain the meaning of few words. The best practice would be to keep it simple or explain if you can't avoid. 

Be Clear and Concise
Be direct and to the point. Don't revolve around the topic, strike the cord. Be concise and don't deliver the presentation or speech as a lecture. Don't even rush through your presentation. Always let your audience grasp what you are trying to put forward. 

Practice your Speech
Presentation is the basic part of public speaking and if you are not able to present your point to the people listening, then it is not worth. The best way to overcome this is to practice your speech. Rehearse it and keep on rehearsing it this will develop confidence in you.

These are few things, which one should always keep in mind while addressing any kind of audience. Don't overdo anything. Don't assume that your audiences are too intelligent or completely dumb. Make sure that you do a little research before you really make your speech.

Go speak your heart out as it is democracy but do maintain the decorum.

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