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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Top 10 Reasons to Smile

Top 10 Reasons to Smile

1. Smiling Makes Us Attractive
We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in.
2. Smiling Changes Our Mood
Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile .. �There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

3. Smiling Is Contagious
When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.
4. Smiling Relieves Stress
Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.
5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System
Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.
6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure
When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?
7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin
Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.
8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger
The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day -- you'll look younger and feel better.
9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful
Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.
10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive
Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard.. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Effective Teaching in Classroom

 Effective Teaching in the Classroom (24 May 2011)

What are the three words that one could use to describe good or effective lecture, vis-a-vis an effective or a bad one? Jason Adsit, Director of the Teaching and Learning Centre at the University of Buffalo, shares useful tips that we believe will make the task clearer to not only young faculty, but to old-timers too                 .

Three main points of an "effective" lecture are participation, engagement and information. Thus, steps to an effective lecture ideally should be:

Don't ever wing it. Don't be too fond of the sound of your voice and carry on about a subject, or a lecture. Always pause and gauge whether students are listening. Ask questions, arrange the class into groups and then pit them against one another in a debate.

Avoid tyranny of content
Don't overdo things so much so that you are overwhelmed by what needs to be covered and in how much time.

Know your audience
Remember that lectures are not about "teaching", it's all about "student learning". Remember the first time that as a student you learnt a new concept or idea – thus a little empathy would go a long way.

Create a complete lecture
Focus on an introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction should set the context straight. It should let students know what the content is, how it relates to the discipline and why they need to learn it. The body is the main lecture, but it should be punctuated with pauses and interactions, just to keep it lively and interesting.

Engage your audience
Remember that teaching is a bit of a performance art.

Visual back–ups are essential
There are evil PowerPoint presentations and great ones. Matter of fact, to the point and brief presentations fall in the latter category.

Quality control
Before any such presentation mandatory checks of links and technology is a must. But one cannot prevent botch-ups. In case there is a failure of server or backup power, keep a back-up plan.

Try to demonstrate why an information is important to the students. Appreciate the topic that you are teaching. Keep conversations and dialogues flowing by asking questions that elicit response.

Ask questions
Prepare a set of questions that you will ask at the end of the class. Instead of just asking if there are "any questions" be specific.

Answer questions
Always answer questions that are being asked. If you can't, come back to it in the next class.

Reflect on the class
Do a post-mortem of the class that was.

Don't be afraid to take risks
At the end of the day there are no "right" or "wrong" ways of conducting lectures. There are only "effective" and "ineffective" ways.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


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