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Monday, September 5, 2011


Make notes.
Use paper or revision cards to write up notes for each module. Re-read your class work and summarise it into key points. Then you can use a highlighter to mark the most important ones which you should learn first. 

Record your notes.
Either record yourself saying the notes or use a voice converter programme to change word files into an audio format. Listen to it, even if it is while you are doing other things, and it should soon start to sink in. 

Make use of past papers.
Ask your teachers for papers from previous years or find some online by using the websites of the exam boards for each of your subjects. This is a very effective way of practising the actual format of an exam and the real thing will seem less intimidating as you will be familiar with it. 

Stick notes up around the house.
Write your notes on post it notes or just tape them up where you are likely to seem them. On the fridge, inside your wardrobe: wherever you will see them day to day. When in the exam you can visualise the area they are stuck in and it will help bring them to your mind. 

Colour code.
Use different colours for different areas, you can visualise these when in the exam and help trigger your memory. 

Test yourself.
There are many revision books available with questions in them, but even without one you can create your own questions and get family and friends to test you. That way you know what you still need to work on. 

Make sure you have a full set of notes.
It's vital that if you missed any lesson you get the work from it, you can either ask the teacher or borrow them from your friends. 

Make revision a group activity.
Invite friends around to revise together and test each other. You could make it into a game by making some cards with questions on and others with the answers. Lay the questions face up on a table and divide out the answer cards between everyone. The first person to get rid of all their cards by laying them on the corresponding questions wins. 

Make mind maps.
Write the main topic you want to revise in the middle and then draw lines coming off this with the different areas written on them. Continue to branch out until you have all the information for each section down. This is very visual and helps you realise how the areas of a topic interlink. 

Make acronyms and rhymes.
By taking the first letters of the things you need to remember (e.g. The processes the body needs for survival) you can come up with a word to help remember it. For this example you could use Mrs. Nerg (Movement, reproduction, senses etc.). By doing this or making a rhyme to remember things you can jog your memory in the exam by repeating it in your head. 

Look, cover, write and check.
One of the most basic but simple ways of learning. Look at your notes, cover them, write them down without looking and then check if they are right. This is best with diagrams or phrases you have to learn so you ensure you get them right. 

Try teaching.
If you have a willing parent or friend then sit them down and teach them about a certain area of your subject. You will need to know it to explain it. 

Repeat your notes aloud as this is a good way to commit things to long term memory. 

Know the guidelines.
Make sure you know what the examiners are looking for and the knowledge that you need. Make a checklist, it will feel good every time something gets ticked off and you can be confident that you haven't missed anything out.   

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